Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Biomagnetic Therapy

It is an alternative therapy that was born with the greeks like 100,000 years ago.
This therapy helps to the people who suffer stiff muscles.
Biomagnetic works is based upon the bodys make up of cells and how they interact. At the same time this therapy can give you extra information about your pain; like where exactly the pain is or how serious it is.

It's kind of expensive, but is very usefull if you have a stiffneck or another muscle problem in your body.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind

To beging with, I think that this idea is very prehistoric. When you do the same that someone did to you, that is kind of revenge. That is the worst way to answer to a person when this person did something that is wrong for you or affect directly to you.

When this fact ocurred, everybody loses, I mean, If your country is in war with another country, and the other country never takes prisioners, and they are alway killing prisioners instead of take them, if your country does the same, both are always killing people and only the people, in this case the prisioners, lose, and none can be happy.

As we know this is a proverb appears in the bible, but as far as I'm concerned, this attitude will leaves the whole world blind.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Diaguitas

This people existed between the VIIIth and XVth centuries A.D., and it was contemporary to the Atacameño culture.

Their arrival of the Diaguitas people is thought to have replaced the Molle culture, which extended from the valley of the Huasco, in the north, to the Choapa, in the south.
Diaguitas people are known for their ceramic art, wich is characterized by their fine trimmings and rich decoration with geometric figures.
Their houses were built with vegetable materials, and to divide the land theyb used stone walls, of Atacameño influence, known as "pircas".
Different grave-styles speak about their spiritual evolution and about their belief in a supernatural life and in divinities.
The Diaguita's teritory, mainly the valleys, was divided in two: The upper and middle part. Each half recognized a chief or cacique who ruler over minors chiefs.
The Diaguita's economy was based on agriculture and livestock breeding, supplemented with some large bird hunting and trade among villages. They cultivated corn, teak, beans and pumpkins.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

To Love God

Have you ever seen God? Have your ever felt him? Everybody knows the answer for that question, and the answer is No, as simple as that. There is no just one man or woman who has seen or felt Him, because He is more than bones and flesh.

Some people says "I love my dog", but that animal will die one day, and then that person who loved that dog will suffer, because it passes away, and this person will never see it again. That is sad, but is the reality. Even whit your family one day all they will die, and if you loved your father or your uncle or your brother you will cry and suffer a lot.

Now, what will happen if you could love someone who will never pass away? An interesting question don't you? Well the answer is God, an entity who loves you, because you are His son or daughter, and like a father He will loves for ever, and guess what, He is aternal, so you can love Him and you will never cry or suffer, because He will never die.

Love is an human skill, that has been given to you by God. Love is a belss, and you don't have to suffer for this unique skill. Enjoy this love, and be a happy human being. Don't give all your love to a person, because they will die one day, and less to give your love to a simple thing.

Now you can think about this, and believe me me; He is the one who will love you until your last day even after that.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

About me

My name is Alejandro and this is my first blogg. I don't know so much about this...if I do something wrong please forgive me.

Well I like the rap music since I was a kid, time ago when I was fourteen I was whit my friends at the street and then a friend of mine arrived whit a discman and I listened rap whit him and it like me so much. Well now I have a lot of cd's because I like to collect it.